Oracle Cross Domain Security Expressとは

Glenn FadenのブログよりOracle Cross Domain Security Expressについて

Data Sheetはこちら

CDSE is an Oracle Cross-Domain implementation support package, consisting of software that extends key Oracle
products that enable the patented CDSS architecture and a comprehensive implementation methodology including Installation and Configuration

つまり、Solaris10,Trusted Extensions + Database Vault + Label Security + ASO + RACの組み合わせで、CDS(Cross Domain Solution)を実現するフレームワーク

CDSE’s architecture and methodology leverages the capabilities of Oracle Database Vault, Label Security, Advanced Security
options and other key Oracle technologies to structure a multi-factored and multi-layered approach to database security.

Trusted SolarisOracle Label Securityを組み合わせたCDSは以前からあった。

これは、Trusted Solaris8とOracle9iのLabel Securityの組み合わせ


Oracle Cross Domain Security Express Executive Overview